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Ai et al., 2016: Encouraging to join lending teams, especially when emphasizing local social norms, increased loans' solicitation and contributions among micro and small businesses over a week


Ai, W., Chen, R., Chen, Y., Mei, Q., & Phillips, W. (2016). Recommending teams promotes prosocial lending in online microfinance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(52), 14944-14948.
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64,800 people on Kiva, an online platform to solicit zero-interest loans to help micro and small businesses in developing countries were randomized to different emails encouraging them to join lending teams. Although all the emails were effective relative to a no-contact control condition, the most effective email emphasized local social norms (“Other lenders who live near you enjoy being a part of these teams”). In turn, joining a team was associated with significantly higher contributions over the next week.

Psychological Process:

Psychological Process 2:


What is the Person Trying to Understand?

What Desired Meaning is At Stake?

What Desired Meaning is At Stake?

What About it?

Approach to Desired Meaning

Approach to Desired Meaning


Psychological Question Addressed

Psychological Question Addressed

Psychological Question Addressed

Psychological Process 3:

Social Area:

Intervention Technique:

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Greg Walton & Timothy Wilson