Goldstein et al., 2008, Experiment 2: Placing signs in hotel bathrooms about how most guests reused their towels or appealing to guests' identities increased such behavior among guests
Goldstein, N. J., Cialdini, R. B., & Griskevicius, V. (2008). A room with a viewpoint: Using social norms to motivate environmental conservation in hotels. Journal of consumer Research, 35(3), 472-482.
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Signs in hotel bathrooms that conveyed that most guests who stayed in that specific room reused their towels at least once increased the towel reuse rate to 49%, from 37% in response to a standard environmental appeal, and 41-44% in response to response to normative appeals based on citizenship identity, gender-identity, and hotel guest identity.
Psychological Process:
Need to BelongWhat Desired Meaning is At Stake?
What is the Person Trying to Understand?
To Feel Connected, Included, Respected, and Valued by OthersApproach to Desired Meaning
What about it?
Link Belonging to a Behavior or Attitude to Motivate Positive ChangeHow?
Psychological Question Addressed
What is typical or valued here?What is typical or valued here?Changing beliefs about social norms to motivate positive behaviorsPsychological Question Addressed
What is typical or valued here?Psychological Process 2:
Psychological Process 3:
Social Area:
Intervention Technique:
Direct labeling, of social norms