Rozek et al., in prep: Reflecting on stories about common challenges to belonging in the transition to middle school increased academic performance and positive attitudes, and decreased negative behavior among middle schoolers over a year
In preparation
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The middle-school social-belonging intervention (Goyer et al., under review) was delivered to students in 11 public middle schools in a diverse mid-sized city. Students completed materials in two class sessions in September and November of 6th-grade. As compared to a randomized control condition, the intervention raised 6th-grade GPA for all students, reduced the number of D and F grades students received, and reduced disciplinary referrals and absences. It also increased students’ trust of school, social belonging, and identification with school and reduced anxiety about evaluation.
Psychological Process:
Need to BelongWhat Desired Meaning is At Stake?
What is the Person Trying to Understand?
To Feel Connected, Included, Respected, and Valued by OthersHow?
Psychological Question Addressed
Can people "like me" come to belong?Can people "like me" come to belong?Faciliating beliefs that sustain belonging in the face of challengesPsychological Question Addressed
Can people "like me" come to belong?Psychological Process 2:
Psychological Process 3:
Social Area:
Intervention Technique:
Increasing commitment through action, saying-is-believing