Radke & Klisurich, 1947, Study 1: Discussing, suggesting, and edorsing the importance of supplements for their babies increased likelihood of following nutrtition advice among low-income mothers over four weeks
New mothers of low-income backgrounds either received individual instruction from a nutritionist at the hospital prior to discharge about the composition of formula and the importance of including orange juice and cod liver oil supplements for their baby or took part in a small group discussion that addressed these themes, asked mothers to suggest better methods of getting mothers in general to follow the guidelines and then asked mothers if they would be willing to carry out the instructions, which they indicated unanimously. Two and four weeks later, those in the group discussion condition were more likely to report having completely followed the nutrition advice. At 4 weeks, 100% and 88% of those in the group discussion condition followed the recommendations for orange juice and cod liver oil, respectively, versus 53% for each in the lecture condition.