Destin & Svoboda, 2017: Communicating to parents the importance of discussing future opportunites and positively responding to difficulties increased academic performance among 8th graders
Destin, M., & Svoboda, R. C. (2017). A brief randomized controlled intervention targeting parents improves grades during middle school. Journal of adolescence, 56, 157-161.
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Conveying to parents in a parent panel discussion the importance of talking with their adolescent children about future opportunities and ways to respond positively to adolescents’ academic difficulties raised students’ grades in 8th grade.
Psychological Process:
What Desired Meaning is At Stake?
What is the Person Trying to Understand?
Personal and Social ExperiencesApproach to Desired Meaning
What about it?
Changing beliefs in and about interpersonal conflicts and interactionsHow?
Psychological Question Addressed
How can I appropriately influence my teenager?How can I appropriately influence my teenager?Psychological Question Addressed
How can I appropriately influence my teenager?Psychological Process 2:
Psychological Process 3:
Social Area:
Intervention Technique:
Prompting with information