Kost-Smith et al., 2012: Affirming values improved physics academic performance among female college students
Kost-Smith, L. E., Pollock, S. J., Finkelstein, N. D., Cohen, G. L., Ito, T. A., & Miyake, A. (2012). Replicating a self-affirmation intervention to address gender differences: Successes and challenges. In AIP Conference Proceedings(Vol. 1413, No. 1, pp. 231-234). AIP.
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A replication of Miyake et al. (2010) found the values-affirmation intervention caused similar reductions in gender differences in exam performance and course grades but did not affect performance on the standardized test of conceptual knowledge in physics.
Psychological Process:
What Desired Meaning is At Stake?
What is the Person Trying to Understand?
To See the Self as AdequateApproach to Desired Meaning
What about it?
Remedy Threats to Self-Integrity that Undermine FunctioningHow?
Psychological Question Addressed
Am I under threat, because could I be seen or treated negatively because of my group identity?Am I under threat, because could I be seen or treated negatively because of my group identity?Psychological Question Addressed
Am I under threat, because could I be seen or treated negatively because of my group identity?Psychological Process 2:
Psychological Process 3:
Social Area:
Intervention Technique:
Active reflection, values-affirmation